Winter in Lapland can be really tough. We might have temperature -30 degrees (Celsius) already on November. So on winter trips you really need to have an arctic clothing. We also use insulated tent while fishing in winter.
In winter we usually don't make multi-day trips to remote areas because the weather can change rapidly and days can be really cold. Renting a cabin and making day trips from there is much more comfortable.
Ice fishing drill, rods and reels and baits you don't need to buy. I'll have all the gear for you. Of course you're more than welcome to use your own fishing gear and ask me for advice what to use.
Summer nights can be relatively cold in north. So on a multi-day trips using a tent I recommend you to take a good sleeping mattress, sleeping bag and even a warm hat with you. Temperature varies from minus degrees to 30 degrees in summer. You need to have warm clothes with you even though it´s summer.
On a river fishing we usually need a good waders and definitely pair of polarizing sunglasses. In summer there's always a chance of rain. So waterproof clothing is nice to have.
Let me know if you need any gear for your trip. And when you book your trip I'll send a packing list.
For fly fishing 5-weight rod is a good choice on bigger rivers and lakes or for the big fish. But many times I fish with 3-weight or 4-weight. Especially when using dry flies which means most of the time to me. Hardly ever I use heavier than 5-weight.
I've got plenty of fly fishing gear from 1-weight to 12-weight. So if you need any equipment on our trip just let me know in advance. And if you want to try different style of rods please ask. I also build custom fly rods if you're interested in having one.